Float Wave Electric Power Station

Based on research estimates, the average wave power productivity of the world’s ocean equals in order of magnitude 1010 kW. Using only a small share of this total wave energy, we can considerably increase electricity production without cost to the planet’s ecosystem. Sea waves are the most visible and natural example of an oscillatory process capable of generating continuous and sustainable power. For this reason, one of the most promising devices for the conversion of wave energy to electricity is a Float Wave Electric Power Station (FWEPS).

The module of FWEPS is an oblong axisymmetrical capsule-float which is located on the sea surface. Inside the capsule there is a mechanical wave energy converter, consisting of an oscillatory system and drive, and an electric generator and energy accumulator. Under the wave effect the capsule-float and inner oscillatory system of the mechanical converter are in continuous oscillatory motion, while the drive engaged with the system provides a continuous turn for the electric generator.

Depending on the requirements, it is possible to develop both a single modular FWEPS for output power from units of watts up to 50 kW and multi-modular installation in a grid form.
A powerful FWEPS can be assembled out of a large number of ten – fifty kW modules with a total capacity of up to dozens of megawatts.